Thursday, June 2, 2011

Left and Right!!!

Happy Happy, Joy Joy. Went for my day 12 ultrasound this morning annndddd.... I had two mature eggs, one in the left and one in the right.  The one in the right ovary was bigger about 18mm, the one in the left ovary was about 15mm. They are confident that they will grow a little more throughout the day, until I do the trigger shot tonight.

ANDD my very first insemination will happen Saturday morning! I am excited and ready for what is to come, no matter the outcome. I am just glad that everything is coming into place. I am also a believe of speaking positive and you will have positive outcomes.  :-)

I was so excited I forgot to ask how do I give myself this shot.  Well actually how will CD give me the shot.  I guess we will figure it out. I can read and there is a tutorial online that I found.

The days have been going by so slow, this whole process is really helping develop patience. Something I have very little of. I know when I do have my baby, I will need them. So thank God for this process and allowing me to develop this precious skill called patience. Every day feels like 2 days, I told a friend, I felt like my life was passing me by.  But now, it actually is moving SLOWWWWW. My family and close friends are so supportive and excited.  My sister even cried when I told her Saturday was my day. This is funny and so unreal. I never thought this is how it would go, but oh well this is my life as a cover girl, and I am embracing every moment of it :-).

To my Future child: One thing I have learned through this process is, nothing in life is every guaranteed and things don't always go as we expect. God may deliver your blessings in a very different form than you ever designed for yourself, but that is why He is who He is and we are who we are. We can dream, He makes those dreams come true.  I have also learned, OK correction learning how to be patient.  Things will happen if you are faithful and true. Always remember those things.  The Lord will never leave nor forsake you, just when you feel you have no options reach out for God's unchanging hand. He will always provide what you need and even some of what you want.


  1. I did the trigger shot Tuesday night and it was SO not a big deal. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw that needle, but honestly, I didn't even feel it, and have had no ill effects from the hcg at all (except the fact that I can't do a pregnancy test as early as I'd like - boo). Best of luck Sat! And congrats on the good results!

  2. That is great to know.. Not to thrilled with the shot in the belly. What are the stipulations with the trigger shot and the pregnancy test??

    Thank you! And I hope all goes fantastic for you!

  3. The first time I had to give myself a trigger shot it took forever to push it in, but once I did I realized it was no big deal. I also learned from online tutorials. By my last IUI giving myself shots was no big deal.

    As far as the trigger and pregnancy tests. It will cause you to test positive until it works it's way out of your system and how fast that is varies. My first 2 IUIs I "tested the trigger out" I took HPT in the days after the IUI's until I got a negative. That way I could believe a positive if I tested early. I think both times it was out of my system by 8dpIUI. This last time I didn't test at all until the end.

    Good Luck!

  4. Thank you for all the advice and well wishes! I am excited and nervous all at the same time!
